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Investment banking and revenue pressures – ways to go

Setting: One of the purposes of any business is to make money. And banking is no exception to this cardinal objective of any business. Normally the bank’s income portfolio comprises fund based income and fee based income. Fund based income...

Options Symbology Initiative – OSI

The OSI is a plan to overhaul the existing method of identifying exchange-listed options contracts to decrease the current limitations in today’s marketplace. This will be accomplished with the elimination of OPRA codes and fractional...

The lessons one has to learn from markets these days

Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Bros, AIG ? These were the big names one feared for in the markets and one cherished dreams to be associated with. What indeed made them big and feared for?  Their aggressiveness in the first place, positioning...

What does the future hold for investment banking?

Basel Committee of Bank for International Settlements in its document on “Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector” has identified the buildup of excessive on and off balance sheet leverage in the banking system as one of the underlying...

Would you like to retain your customers?

Customer service is an art. Though it emanates from the background of the provider, his philosophies and practices, it still can be learnt by adhering to certain codified steps. Here is an approach to retain customers in our fold. Step 1 Ascertain...

How Banks Make Money (ppt)

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Collateral management – Latest Developments

Collateral management is no more a back office function. Thanks to the recent crises in financial markets, it has graduated itself to a core function status driving the very front office function. Gone are the days of cost centre approach to...

Application Consolidation ‘may’ be the panacea for the BFSI sector today

The world is changing fast and lot more changes are taking place in IT and in BFSI vertical. In addition the demographic changes are dictating terms in the market place which our traditional bankers would not have dreamt even in their wildest...