Archive: Page 13

Securitisation Markets

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Money Markets (ppt)

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Functional Model – Prime Broking (xls)

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Foreign Exchange Markets (ppt)

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Fixed Income Securities (ppt)

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Equity Markets (ppt)

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Enhance the Quality of Financial Regulation – the Need of the Hour.

The purpose of any regulation is for solving problems that stakeholder or business alone cannot solve, as well as for making trade-offs among different objectives. Year 2008 will definitely go down in the history as the year of the greatest...

Differentiators in FX Business

The foreign exchange market is the largest and most liquid sector of the global financial system. Bank for International Settlements’ Triennial Central Bank Survey of Foreign Exchange and Derivatives Market Activity 2004, estimated foreign...

Country Risk is an Evolving and Dynamic Risk

Country risk analysis, as it is practiced is far from perfect. For example, the country risk of the United States fails to properly take into account the country’s aging population and strained Social Security system — as well as its huge...

Commodities and Futures Markets (ppt)

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